When are payment distributions made?

Written by Chase Chamberlin
Updated 1 year ago

We currently make distributions twice per year (bi-annual), but not necessarily every six months. The timing depends on several factors including the athlete's racing/tournament schedule.

We understand you'd love to cash out immediately after a win, but our current process allows you to keep more of your winnings because it means we spend less time and money on administration and management fees. These payouts occur twice per year (bi-annual).

Please note: Commonwealth reserves the right to make distributions at our discretion and from time to time may choose not to make a distribution. Our SEC filing states: "The Manager has the sole discretion to determine the timing of any distributions of Free Cash Flow to Unit Holders and to withhold Free Cash Flow entirely or in part to meet anticipated costs and liabilities of the Series. The Manager is only entitled to receive the Management Fee at the time Free Cash Flow is distributed to Unit Holders of a Series. In general, the timing and amount of distributions will depend on such factors as the development of the Series Thoroughbred, the quality of the races in which it is entered, winnings, and its value as breeding stallion or broodmare."

For more information, you may review our offering circular here.

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